The recently released Korean romance film titled “Ai no Ato ni Kuru Mono” (愛のあとにくるもの) has garnered significant attention among film enthusiasts. Starring the renowned actors Sakaguchi Kentaro and Lee Se-young, this compelling drama is an adaptation of the poignant novel “Things That Come After Love” by distinguished writers Gong Jiyoung and Hitonari Tsuji.
A Synopsis of the Story
This heartfelt narrative revolves around a Japanese man who falls for a female student from Korea. Their romance blossoms beautifully, only to be shattered by an unforeseen incident that disrupts their happiness. After a five-year separation, fate reunites them in South Korea, allowing them to relive their past. This encounter serves as a catalyst for closure on their unfinished love story.
What to Expect
Comprising six episodes, “Ai no Ato ni Kuru Mono” promises rich storytelling intertwined with themes of love and nostalgia. The series will debut on Coupang Play on September 27 and will be available exclusively on Prime Video starting October 11. Fans of romance dramas can anticipate an emotional journey that captures the essence of love’s complexities.