Introduction to the Drama
MBC’s upcoming drama, translated as “The Number You Have Dialed,” draws audiences in with its intriguing premise based on a popular web novel. This series delves into the romance between a couple whose marriage is rooted in convenience, forever altered by a mysterious and threatening phone call. The anticipation surrounding the drama is palpable, especially following the recent sneak peek of the first script reading.
The Script Reading Event
During the live script reading, key figures such as director Park Sang Woo and writer Kim Ji Woon guided the actors as they brought their characters to life. Esteemed actors including Yoo Yeon Seok, Chae Soo Bin, Heo Nam Jun, and Jang Gyuri attended, creating a delightful atmosphere infused with excitement and nerves. The actors cherishingly embraced their roles, creating vivid scenes that felt remarkably close to actual filming.
Character Dynamics and Performances
Yoo Yeon Seok, portraying Baek Sa Eon, impressed everyone with his portrayal of a cold and calculated character. His sharp expressions and firm tone captured the essence of Baek Sa Eon’s icy detachment perfectly. Yet, amidst this complexity, Yoo Yeon Seok’s natural charm shone through, lightening the mood and enriching the script reading experience. Fans have high expectations for how he will navigate the character’s emotional rollercoaster, alternating between icy indifference and deep vulnerability.