Introduction to “1st Kiss”
The upcoming movie “1st Kiss” features the talented Matsu Takako and Matsumura Hokuto, marking their first collaboration in a film that promises to blend elements of romance and time travel. This captivating film is directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, known for her work in acclaimed dramas such as “Miu404” and “Unnatural,” and written by Yuji Sakamoto, whose previous projects include beloved series like “Quartet” and “Mother.”
Plot Overview
At the heart of “1st Kiss” is a poignant narrative that revolves around Suzuri Kanna, portrayed by Matsu Takako. After losing her cherished husband to an accident fifteen years into their marriage, Kanna confronts a profound sense of emptiness. Just as she finds the strength to begin anew, fate intervenes: she is granted the extraordinary ability to travel back in time and reconnect with her husband before they ever met. This unique twist on romance allows Kanna not only to rediscover her love but also to explore the deeper meaning of their relationship.
What to Expect from”1st Kiss”
With a stellar supporting cast that includes Lily Franky, Yoshioka Riho, and Mori Nana, “1st Kiss” promises to be a heartfelt journey into love and loss. Set to be released on February 7, 2025, audiences are eagerly anticipating this unique story that promises to tug at the heartstrings. The blend of time travel with a deep exploration of grief and love suggests that this film will resonate with many viewers, making it a highly anticipated addition to the 2025 film calendar.