Introduction to the Drama
“Soredemo Ore wa, Tsuma to Shitai” is an upcoming drama featuring kazama shunsuke and megumi, adapted from the novel of the same name by renowned writer adachi shin, who also directed the script. This intriguing narrative revolves around the challenging dynamics of a married couple’s relationship, focusing on the complexities of intimacy and personal struggles.
Synopsis of the Story
The plot centers on yanagida gota (played by kazama shunsuke), a 42-year-old screenwriter facing stagnation in his career. He harbors a pressing desire for intimacy with his wife, chika (portrayed by megumi). In an effort to rekindle their relationship and have sex, gota attempts various tricks and strategies, but chika remains resistant. As she navigates the responsibilities of caring for both her husband and their child, she must also confront her own frustrations and criticisms towards gota, adding depth to their interactions.
What to Expect from the Series
“Soredemo Ore wa, Tsuma to Shitai” consists of 12 episodes with a runtime of approximately 30 minutes each. The series will premiere on tv osaka and bs tv tokyo every Saturday, beginning January 11, 2025. Viewers can expect a captivating exploration of marital challenges and personal growth, combining elements of drama and humor to engage audiences.