‘Love Next Door’ stars Jung Hae In and Jung So Min recently collaborated for a photo shoot with Elle Korea Magazine. Following the shoot, they shared intriguing insights about their new drama, their experiences on set, and personal reflections in an interview.
Anticipation for the New Drama
Jung So Min expressed her thoughts on the audience’s anticipation, saying, “Since people haven’t seen Jung Hae In in a comedic role before, I think there’ll be anticipation for this new side of him.” She added that despite having more experience in romantic comedies, she relies on Jung Hae In on set, highlighting the similarities between his character Seung Hyo and himself. Jung Hae In mentioned, “It’s not that I’m aiming specifically for comedic acting, but rather that I just find the situations in the scenes to be funny.” He aims for realistic and relatable performances rather than avoiding clichés.
Charms and Comfort of ‘Love Next Door’
Jung So Min shared that she finds a lot of comfort in filming the drama. She stated, “Each of the characters in the drama has their own story and overcomes challenges in their own way. I hope viewers can find similarities to their own experiences and gain strength from watching it.” Jung Hae In added that the family dynamics and individual character stories are heartwarming and healing. The warm and considerate atmosphere on set makes for an enjoyable behind-the-scenes experience full of laughter.
Envy and Inspiration
When asked about envy, Jung So Min revealed that she envies people who are naturally calm and resolute. She admires those who remain composed even in the face of disaster. Jung Hae In, however, stated, “Envy is not a driving force for me. What’s important to me is whether I feel happiness through a sense of accomplishment from my work and small breaks along the way.” Their differing perspectives provide a glimpse into their personalities and values.
The full interview and pictorial of Jung Hae In and Jung So Min can be found in the September issue of Elle Korea Magazine. Their reflections and experiences promise an engaging and heartfelt journey in ‘Love Next Door’.