Introduction to the Anticipated Drama
Upcoming romantic comedy “Cinderella at 2 AM” has recently released sneak peeks, featuring the talented actress Shin Hyun Been. The drama explores the lives of Ha Yoon Seo, played by Shin Hyun Been, and Seo Joo Won, portrayed by Moon Sang Min. While Yoon Seo is a woman who doesn’t believe in fairy tale endings and prefers a realistic approach to breakups, Seo Joo Won is a chaebol heir who aims to change her perspective.
Character Analysis of Ha Yoon Seo
Shin Hyun Been’s character, Ha Yoon Seo, is a skilled team leader, showcasing her intelligence and confidence. Known for her excellence across various genres such as romance, thriller, and comedy, Shin Hyun Been is expected to imbue her role with energy, charm, and depth. The newly unveiled stills reveal her vibrant smile and effortless poise, enhancing the audience’s anticipation.
Expectations and Production Team Insights
The production team shared their excitement, stating, “Watching Shin Hyun Been’s new look and diverse acting will make this show worth your time. We hope you’re excited to see how she brings fresh energy to the romantic comedy genre.” This statement hints at Shin Hyun Been’s potential to deliver yet another standout performance, further elevating the viewers’ expectations.
Premiere Details
“Cinderella at 2 AM” is all set to premiere on August 24 at 9 p.m. KST and will be available to watch on Viki. The combination of engaging plotlines and Shin Hyun Been’s versatile acting makes this drama highly anticipated among fans and critics alike.