Introduction to “Souzoku Tantei”
Since its serialization in Kodansha’s Evening in 2021, the manga “Souzoku Tantei” has captivated readers with its intriguing narrative and compelling characters. Written by Nishiogi Yumie, known for her work on the series “Spec,” and illustrated by Ikuta Yo, this story centers around Haie Nao, a former lawyer turned detective specializing in inheritance cases.
The TV Adaptation Announcement
The excitement surrounding “Souzoku Tantei” has recently heightened with the announcement of its adaptation into a television series. Scheduled to air on NTV in January 2025, fans are eagerly anticipating the live-action interpretation of this beloved manga. A special image simulating the cover of the original manga has been released, adding to the buzz of the upcoming series.
Main Actors Reveal Date
While details about the show are beginning to surface, information concerning the main actors of “Souzoku Tantei” will only be disclosed on November 12. This has created a sense of mystery and anticipation among followers of the manga. As fans await further updates, speculation regarding the cast and their portrayals of the unique characters continues to build. Each character in the series plays a crucial role in Haie Nao’s journey as he navigates complex inheritance cases with his distinct comrades.