Introduction to the Drama
“Takasugisanchi no Obento,” a captivating live-action drama, is set to air on NTV starting October 2nd. Starring Koyama Keiichiro as Takasugi Atsumi, the story revolves around his character’s journey as he navigates life while becoming a guardian to his middle school relative, Kururi, portrayed by Hirasawa Kokoro. The series is not just a tale of personal growth, but also explores the deep bonds formed through shared experiences and culinary delights.
Theme Song Announcement
In an exciting update for fans, it has been revealed that the theme song for “Takasugisanchi no Obento” will be “Acchi Muite Hoi,” performed by the popular group NEWS. This addition of a fresh soundtrack is expected to enhance the overall emotional resonance of the drama, providing a perfect backdrop to the heartwarming narrative.
The Cast and Storyline
The supporting cast includes notable actors such as Ichikawa Yui, Ohara Yuno, Namiki Ayaka, Kimura Raito, Mimura Rie, and Hankai Kazuaki, all adding depth and diversity to the storyline. The plot centers on Haru, who is struggling as a geography researcher and finds himself unexpectedly stepping into a guardian role. This shift in his life sparks a journey filled with challenges and laughter, as he and Kururi learn the importance of family, reflected in their attempts to create bento boxes despite their clumsiness. This unique angle of portraying growth through family cooking is what makes “Takasugisanchi no Obento” a narrative worth following.